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Saturday, June 11, 2011


Have you already been paralyzed after a deep sleep? its a weird feeling actually when you suddenly wake up from a deep slumber and inexplicably you cannot move neither part of your body, but you are aware of those things that are happening around you. You can even see your surroundings, the people around you, the bed, the chairs, the tables and weirdest of them all, the "demons" around you. These are usually hallucinations and not just hallucinations, they are harming you-psychologically. This condition is called sleep paralysis. It is usually associated with the sleeping stage called Rapid Eye Movement(REM). It's natural, but psychologically dangerous. In Hiligaynon, we call it "hupa" It happened to me several times already. I was already awake, it was like the continuation of my dreams, the monsters "stalked" me even if i was already in my own bed. One was holding a bolo, and he keeps on chasing me, he was wearing a broken hockey mask, yes similar with the one worn by Jason Vhorees. The other one had a knife on his right hand, filled with blood, and a machete on the left. I tried to move my feet but I can't, it was like almost I was about to be killed. I screamed at the top of lungs hoping that my brother who was sleeping beside me could help me, but he cannot even hear me, he wasn't even aware that I was shouting and that I was struggling to move. One time during my lunch break i slept at our manager's office, earlier that day, i played 3 hours of basketball. Due to too much fatigue, i immediately fell asleep. I woke after about an hour and found myself lying on the three chairs that were put together, and couldn't even move my fingers, although i can see everything around me, i can even see a reflection of me on the light at the ceiling. And there's another me right behind me, he looks so furious that he strangled me with a chord, that time I was thought I was already dead, but I was able to see a ray of light outside the room, good enough to give me courage to hang on, that time, instead of shouting, I closed my eyes and prayed the Apostles Creed, repeatedly and with my whole strength......after a few minutes i was able to breath.......BELIEVE......

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