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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


"Life is a bunch of chocolates," that is according to Forrest Gump. Perhaps, but I don't buy that. Life could be worse than that.Life could be a long and winding road that leads you to nowhere unless you are determined enough to reach your destination. It is like investing your money in a small business not knowing if you can still get your money back or lose everything including your precious balls.There may be times when we cannot pay our bills and our debts  are as high as the mountains. I am sure there were times when we used to regret why we have been born. Some of us even tried to end their lives because things turned out to be in contrast of what they have wanted it to be. Sometimes, it sneaks into our minds that it could have been better if we were not born at all which, for me is the most foolish idea about life.
We used to think of resigning from our present company because our salaries are not even enough to for our basic needs,and what makes it even worst is the fact that we cannot even be promoted into better positions despite of the loyalty that we had with our company. Then we start to ponder,"Don't we really have the capability or its just that we're not just too blessed enough to get promoted? Sometimes, we do ask ourselves some stupid questions like why must not everything go well on our side? in our lives and with the way we wanted it to be? But have we ever asked ourselves such questions as "Did I do my part?" or "Did I make some changes so that I can have some better results?"and "Did I work on my weaknesses and focused more on my strengths just to win this idiot battle so-called life?" Miserable, yet, there are still lots of reasons to smile.
Shit happens sometimes. Given. But life is not always a win-win situation right? Sometimes, it can be uninteresting, sometimes, it can be so boring, and sometimes, it can be so irrelevant.Whatever will be the surprises that life could bring, let us think of these things for awhile. We have our families who have been there for us, our parents  who have been there since our real stories began. All these years, they have been there with us. They have witnessed our struggles, our pain, they have been there to understand and to comfort us when we were at our worst times and during the darkest moments in our lives. They were the braces behind our walls when our bricks started to collapse, one after another.They are our foundations, and they have been the judges in our frustrations. To be a part of the family where we belong is a pleasure. Its a treasure that we must cherished. They are our only friends whenever the whole world turns its back against us. How could we forget those days when butt-naked, we are being bath by our mothers? Isn't it worth remembering when we, together with our siblings and childhood friends played together in the rain? It was our father who first threw us into the air whispering "I am here to catch you darling". Then there were our friends who served as vines that we cling to whenever we are being swept away by floods. They have been there to wipe away our tears and to take away our fears. We have been through the darkest part of our lives, but if we will just try to see the brighter side of it, we would realize that it has not been cruel after all. It has its ups and downs, yet it does not take away the privileged from us to live it to the fullest. Its just that we are just afraid to take the risks sometimes. Sometimes, some of us are afraid to take the wrong turn because we simply do not have the courage and the will to face our fears and to live with our dreams. Life can be so daring, but it cannot be dangerous after all, not at all. So what if we can't pay our bills and our debts are high? It would not take too long for us to pay for it as long as we have our jobs. So what if our salaries are low and we have not been promoted? we are still more fortunate after all than those who are jobless and orphaned. We can still buy 1/2 kilo of rice a day for our hungry stomachs. We can still buy cheap clothes Ukay-ukay for our children and our siblings. We can still pay for our boardinghouse rent and we can still buy a bottle of Rexona. We can still have a 15php load and have it registered for unlimited text for one day, enough to communicate with our love ones, to show them how much we love them and how much we care for them. So what if we can't buy a bottle of Red Horse like we used to? We can have it on the next team-bonding. See? There may have been lots of reasons to sigh, but for sure, there are still more reasons to smile......say cheezzzee!!!   


Claire said...

You have a nice blog. I do have mine too Thanks

Ambidextrous Lakshmi said...

nice blog insan.. practicality is the best policy when it comes to poverty.. lol and your right, there are tons of reasons to smile :D

wicked_gee03 said...

thanx for the comment guys...i do really appreciate that...

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